About Bruce
My training and experience is within the umbrella of the “transpersonal”. The term was coined in the 1960’s by Abraham Maslow and Victor Frankl and grew out of Carl Jung’s exploration of world spirituality in his practice of psychotherapy.
Transpersonal psychology includes the traditional focus upon ego development and transformation that characterizes therapy, but also includes the psycho-spiritual dimensions of healing practices that transcend mind and ego. I underwent years of training in chakra work, including various styles of meditation and mindfulness practice. Therapeutic work is about growth, but also requires the letting go of elements of the self that no longer serve, so that what is essential can shine forth.
This work has offered me the opportunity to teach at various Bay Area universities and venues and co-teach and co-present with some of our world’s most accomplished healers such as including Dr. Stan Grof, Dr. Angeles Arrien, and Dr. Raymond Moody.
I acted as the Director of the Art and Healing Program at Wisdom University (formerly Matthew Fox’s Naropa University West) where I facilitated group therapeutic process, taught drumming and healing practices from various world cultures and dream work, Jungian-based and my own methodology. In 2014, I presented this model, called Embodied DreamWork, at the yearly conference of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.
I am also an experienced world music drummer and percussionist. I draw from the West African, Afro-Brazilian and Afro-Cuban traditions, and Middle Eastern and Hindustani cultural traditions as well. My Orpheus Men’s Community work includes group drumming and world music as a healing modality.
My wife and I recently relocated to Madison, Wisconsin to be near family and our new granddaughter. I now work online with clients from all over the United States and abroad.