Dream Work
The power of dreams is much under-rated. Sigmund Freud called dreams “the royal road to the psyche.” The deep unconscious speaks unfettered by our egos and defense mechanisms directly to the core self, and does so symbolically. I specialize in teaching clients how to recall and record dreams and how to interpret these gifts from the unconscious that are always in the service of healing, even those “so called nightmares” that we all fear. You can learn how to remember your dreams and they will amaze you.
Orpheus Healing Arts
Founded in 1987, the Orpheus Community grew out of my experience that we all need a support group, healing community, or recovery group to assist us on our way to wholeness. I founded the still thriving Orpheus Community for men using circle work, music, poetry, and soul work to further therapeutic growth and evolution. All men are welcome to join; we have weekly Zoom meetings and live gatherings. Men can attend one or both.
Areas of Focus
Relationship issues
Dream work
Rights of passage
Jungian perspectives
Grief and loss
Anxiety & depression
Addiction & recovery
LGBTQIA+ affirming